

Breed: Pero de presa canario / Canary Mastiff

A new member to our dog family that composes of 5dogs, and he is our second youngest puppy. He's just 6 months old and still my little baby . I can't wait 'till he grows up to be so big and hug-gable, his future estimated weight would probably be 100 lbs and that's more than half my weight. Yey for big dogs 
Though he's a very calm, he isn't the type of dog to jump all over you when you see him, he just waggles his tail and slowly walks up to you
I love his long droopy ears, makes me want to pull it every time I see him, call me cruel but it's just so adorable. 


say goodbye to summer

Summer has long been over for me, and it's been two weeks since I left Holland and I miss it there like crazy, but of course I have to get back to my other home. These are the last batch of pictures, made by my lomography fisheye film camera, or some people just call it a toy camera. Seriously, you don't know what you're missing, film cameras are so friggin awesome to use. People think it's really old fashion, but I have a great respect for film cameras and am starting my little collection with my dad. My fisheye cam has always been my baby <3